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Boat Details

LS4 Surf

Exterior Colors

Hull Side


Hull Bottom

Cockpit Upholstery

Engine and Technical


Volvo V8 350 FWD EVC2 DP CAT    $154,480

350 Horsepower


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Dual Battery Switch with Tray and Cables (Standard)

Using VSR technology, you can use your radio without fear of killing your battery.

Battery Charger    $430

For worry-free boating, the battery charger is a must—no need to be concerned with batteries being up to capacity.

Automatic Fire Extinguisher    $835

A dedicated fire extinguisher in the engine room is just another great safety option found on a Regal.

Transom Shower & Pressure Water Package    $700

Add a transom shower to your Regal for the perfect way to rinse off.

Surf Options

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Ballast System (Standard)

A quick and quiet ballast pump system that creates a deeper wave and better surfing experience.

Surf 2.0 Tabs (Standard)


Transom Flooring

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SeaDek Swim Platform    $945

Enjoy the cool look and feel of SeaDek that's color-matched to the upholstery on your swim platform.

Deck & Hull

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Docking Lights    $350

Night time boating has become very popular. The docking lights allow you to come home safely from a late night adventure.

Surf Graphics    $345

Add an extra edge to your Surf Series model with our Surf Graphics.

Underwater Lighting - Blue    $820

For those looking to make a statement, the underwater lights will turn heads.


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Bow Filler Cushion    $470

Transform the bow into the ultimate lounging paradise.

Cockpit Table - Teak    $1,235

Enjoy this sturdy table's beautiful grains and texture during an afternoon meal.

Flag Pole: Stainless Steel With U.S. Flag    $175

The stainless flag pole is a great way to represent any nation.

Air Compressor    $205

Don't let a leaky tube interrupt your fun; just add air.

Premium Package    $3,295

Includes Bow Rails, Swim Platform Rail, Stainless Exhaust Vents, Stainless Hardware Upgrades, and a Wireless Phone Charger.

Watersport Mirror    $195

It's easy to keep an eye on tubers and wake-boarders with this wide mirror.

Tower Accessories

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Speakers For Tower    $2,710

Add more power to your premium audio with speakers for your tower.

Wake Board Racks    $1,620

The board racks provide a great place for your boards.

Swim Platform

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Underwater PowerPlatform    $4,565

With the touch of a button, gently submerse the platform underwater for easier water and boat entry.

Entertainment and Navigation

Entertainment & Navigation

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Stereo Performance & Lighting Package    $2,450

Includes Fusion Signature Speakers, Amp, 10" Subwoofer, and Transom Speakers

Navigation Display

Dual 9" Glass Cockpit Watersports