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Boat Details

42 FXO

Exterior Colors

Hull Side


Hull Bottom

Aft Vent

Aft Vent: Tahiti Beach White

Aft Vent: Match Hull Color    $1,995

Aft Vent: Match Bootstripe Color    $1,995

Cockpit Upholstery

Engine and Technical


Triple Yamaha V8 F450 - White    $1,392,090

1,350 Horsepower


Select Multiple

Generator: Diesel 110V (Standard)

Never a need to worry about a lack of power with the 110 volt generator.


Select Multiple

Automatic Trim Tabs    $2,350

Washer & Dryer Combo    $8,195

For added convenience equip your Regal with a Washer & Dryer Combo.

Grey Water System    $1,100

The Gray Water System drains all gray water into the holding tank, perfect for waterways that require gray water storage

Seakeeper 3 Stabilization System (Standard)

Thanks to Seakeeper's active control and its ability to optimize gyro torque, eliminate up to 95% of boat roll in all sea conditions and enjoy a smoother ride.

Central Vacuum System    $875

Clean your boat with ease.

Head Options

Select Multiple

Toilet: Overboard Discharge    $1,125

If you are headed a few miles off the coast, the overboard discharge allows you to empty the tank in minutes.


Aft Berth Settee


Aft Berth Bedding

King Comforter

Versatility is at your fingertips, thanks to the convertible bed in the aft stateroom that converts from a king bed to twins. Choose which comforter set comes with your Regal.



An elegant mixture of light and medium tone woods provides warmth and a feeling that you are home.

Mid Cabin

Select Multiple

Mid Cabin: Carpet    $2,800


Bottom Paint Color

No Bottom Paint

Bottom Paint: Black

Add an extra layer of protection with black bottom paint.

Bottom Paint: Navy Blue

Add an extra layer of protection with navy bottom paint.


Select Multiple

Aft Cockpit Canvas - Cockpit IsinGlass Enclosure    $4,295

Stay out of the elements in the aft cockpit while maintaining a great view thanks to the Cockpit Isinglass Enclosure option.

Aft Cockpit Canvas - Transom Seat Cover    $1,650

Keep your upholstery fresh and clean with the transom seat covers.

Aft Cockpit Canvas - Palm Beach Enclosure    $4,335

Stay out of the elements in the aft cockpit thanks to the Palm Beach Enclosure option.

Foredeck Sunpad Cabana Sunshade    $3,475

Relax out of the sun on the foredeck sunpad with the Cabana Sunshade.

Entertainment and Navigation

Entertainment & Navigation

Select Multiple

Garmin HD Closed Array Radar    $5,155

Sharpen your radar picture with high definition performance. The radar offers a whole new level of radar scanning capability.

Satellite Marine Weather    $2,175

Receive weather information directly to your boat.

Stereo Satellite Tuner with Antenna    $595

Listen to your favorite tunes on the XM radio!

Satellite TV - KVH3    $11,155

Enjoy your satellite TV while cruising.

Satellite TV - KVH 5    $13,995

Enjoy your satellite TV while cruising.