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Boat Details

38 Surf


Exterior Colors

Hull Side


Hull Bottom

Cockpit Upholstery: Base One

Cockpit Upholstery: Base Two

Cockpit Upholstery: Base Three

Cockpit Upholstery: Accent One

Cockpit Upholstery: Accent Two & Piping

Cockpit Upholstery: Accent Thread

Engine and Technical


Twin Volvo V8 380 FWD EVC2 DP CAT Joystick    $835,465

Twin Volvo V8 400 FWD EVC2 DP CAT Joystick    $847,920

Twin Volvo V8 430 FWD EVC2 DP CAT Joystick    $856,435

Engine Additions

Select Multiple

Volvo Coastal    $7,650


Select Multiple

Generator: Diesel 110V

Never a need to worry about a lack of power with the 110 volt generator.

Power Bank    $8,505

Regal’s PowerBank package is a battery-powered all-in-one smart inverter and charger system that serves as a day trip alternative to the traditional gas or diesel generator installation. Featuring a 3000w Combimaster Inverter/Charger combo unit, an 800ah Lithium-Ion battery bank dedicated to the inverter, and an additional 450w Chargemaster battery charger dedicated to the House and Engine battery banks, as well as a smart touch screen unit for battery management.


Select Multiple

Digital Switching (Standard)

You have full control of your Garmin systems, audio, digital switching, and more. So setting your RGBW lighting, lowering your Power Platform, and a variety of tools are right at your fingertips as the driver or passenger.

Air Conditioning (Standard)

Keep cool on a hot summer day, or warm up on your crisp morning ride.

Bow Thruster (Standard)

This transversal propulsion device tremendously increases maneuverability; docking becomes a breeze.

Cruise Package    $1,625

Comes complete with fire extinguishers, life vests, dock lines, fenders, boat brush and hook.

Deep Drop Electrical Outlets    $650

Add the ability for electric reels.

Fish Package    $1,390

Add the Fish Package to your 38 Surf to take its versatility to the next level. This package includes a wash down and live well.

Grey Water System    $1,100

The Gray Water System drains all gray water into the holding tank, perfect for waterways that require gray water storage

Seakeeper 3 Stabilization System    $56,775

Thanks to Seakeeper's active control and its ability to optimize gyro torque, eliminate up to 95% of boat roll in all sea conditions and enjoy a smoother ride.

Head Options

Select Multiple

Toilet: Overboard Discharge    $1,125

If you are headed a few miles off the coast, the overboard discharge allows you to empty the tank in minutes.

Surf Options

Select Multiple

Joystick Surfing (Standard)


Bottom Paint Color

No Bottom Paint

Bottom Paint: Black    $5,715

Add an extra layer of protection with black bottom paint.

Bottom Paint: Navy Blue    $5,715

Add an extra layer of protection with navy bottom paint.

Canvas Color

White - Canvas


Teak Steps

Synthetic Teak Steps    $580

High Gloss Teak Steps    $1,880

Deck & Hull

Select Multiple

Surf Board Racks    $1,195

Anchor Windlass - Rope & Chain

Set and retrieve your anchor with the utmost ease.

Anchor Windlass - All Chain    $2,910

Set and retrieve your anchor with the utmost ease.

LillyPad & Holder    $2,795

Take advantage of the designated holder for your LillyPad and never miss out on having it on a day at the sand bar.

Outriggers    $6,900

The telescoping outriggers elevate your fishing experience to the next level.

Paddle Board Holders - 2    $2,795

Take your paddleboards with you, no matter where you go, thanks to the designated holders.

Rocket Launcher with Tow Points    $1,925

Ultimate Underwater Lighting    $5,415

Light up the night with underwater lighting.

Swim Platform

Select Multiple

Underwater PowerPlatform (Standard)

With the touch of a button, gently submerse the platform underwater for easier water and boat entry.

Entertainment and Navigation

Entertainment & Navigation

Select Multiple

Garmin HD Open Array Radar    $5,740

Sharpen your radar picture with high definition performance. The radar offers a whole new level of radar scanning capability.

Ultimate Audio Package - JL Audio    $10,660

Set your audio package to the next level with the Ultimate Audio Package. This JL Audio packed option includes Six Fusion ARX 70 Remotes, Six M6 6.5" Speakers, Eight M6 7.7" Speakers, One M6 Subwoofer, Two WakeSubs & Three JL Audio 800W Amplifiers.

Television - Cockpit (Standard)

Enjoy your favorite show out on the water on a breezy day.

TV - Mid Cabin    $1,255

After a long day, relax in your cabin and catch up on your favorite TV shows.

Satellite TV - KVH3    $11,155

Enjoy your satellite TV while cruising.

Satellite TV - KVH 5    $13,995

Enjoy your satellite TV while cruising.

Navigation Display

Dual Volvo 22" Glass Cockpit & Auto Pilot + B60 Transducer

Dual Volvo 22" Glass Cockpit & Auto Pilot + B175 Transducer    $2,215